The gist of the Memento pattern is that it allows to restore to a previous state of an object
by providing state differences in a predetermined format and being able to process those differences. Sounds complex,
let's dive right into an example. The code below is a Hangman game and you have three attempts to guess the word "SECRET"
correctly. As you enter each guess, assuming it passes validation, a stack of "undos" gets another fragment. Then, if you
enter "-" instead of a character, the game jumps back one character, and it keeps jumping back as long as the user keeps
entering "-" at the prompt. At the same time, all methods and properties are private, the game is closed for modification.
This is the main Game class. It can only process letters:
class Game {
private word: string;
guesses: string[];
numberOfErrors: number;
private numberOfAllowedAttempts: number;
private gameOver: boolean;
supportUndo: boolean;
message: string;
constructor() {
this.word = "SECRET";
this.guesses = [];
this.numberOfErrors = 0;
this.numberOfAllowedAttempts = 3;
this.supportUndo = false;
processGuess(guess: string) {
if (guess.length !== 1) {
this.message = "One letter at a time, please";
guess = guess.toUpperCase();
if (!/^[a-zA-Z\-]+$/.test(guess)) {
this.message = "alphabetic characters only, please";
if (this.guesses.indexOf(guess) >= 0) {
this.message = `already guessed ${guess}. Try again`;
if (this.word.indexOf(guess) >= 0) {
this.message = "Good guess!";
if (this.currentPuzzleState().indexOf("_") < 0) {
this.message = `Victory! With only ${this.numberOfErrors} errors!`;
this.gameOver = true;
} else {
this.message = `bad guess! This word contains no ${guess}. You have ${this.attemptsLeft()} guesses left`;
if (this.attemptsLeft() === 0) {
this.gameOver = true;
this.message = `You lost. The word was: ${this.word.toUpperCase()}`;
private attemptsLeft(): number {
return this.numberOfAllowedAttempts - this.numberOfErrors;
currentPuzzleState(): string {
let result = "";
for (let i = 0; i < this.word.length; i++) {
if (this.guesses.indexOf(this.word[i].toString()) >= 0) {
result += this.word[i].toString().toUpperCase() + " ";
} else {
result += "_ ";
return result;
public gameIsOver(): boolean {
return this.gameOver;
The following simple class defines what we can save/restore to manipulate the game's internal state. I only need to keep
the previously entered letters and a number of incorrect attempts.
class Memento {
guesses: string[];
numberOfErrors: number;
constructor(guesses: string[], numberOfErrors: number) {
this.guesses = guesses;
this.numberOfErrors = numberOfErrors;
The following class extends the Game class, it can create and process a state checkpoint.
class GameWithUndo extends Game {
constructor() {
this.supportUndo = true;
console.log("undo supported!");
public createCheckPoint(): Memento {
return new Memento([...this.guesses], this.numberOfErrors);
public processCheckPoint(checkPoint: Memento): void {
this.guesses.length = 0;
this.numberOfErrors = checkPoint.numberOfErrors;
Finally, the "Caretaker" component of the game, the code that runs it all:
let input = ".";
let g2 = new GameWithUndo(); //originator
let mementos = [] as Array;
console.log("Puzzle is: ", g2.currentPuzzleState());
while (!g2.gameIsOver()) {
//this main program is the CareTaker
input = prompt("enter a letter, or '-' to undo");
console.log("Input: ", input);
if (input === "-") {
if (mementos.length > 1) {
let p = mementos.pop();
let m = mementos[mementos.length - 1];
} else {
console.log("cannot undo anymore");
} else {
let m = g2.createCheckPoint();
A Memento object is created and stored at each turn, unless a user enters a "-". In that
case, a Memento object is popped from the array that stores it and is processed.
This pattern follows the same principle as the Prototype pattern, which is the Open-Closed principle. Instead of opening a class
for modification, provide a way to extract/consume required state. That way the class is still closed for modification, yet it provides a way
to manipulate its internal state.