
Hiding complex procedures behind a wall and providing a push-button interface

The idea behind the Facade software design principle is quite simple. If you can simplify calling a complex scenario, then create a Facade class, expose one method that can call the complex scenario for you and have the Facade class do all the heavy lifting and/or orchestration.
The code below is somewhat confusing, but the main point is that there are some scenarios that require complex and perplexing actions to make things happen. The idea of the Facade pattern is to "shove" those actions "under the hood" and give a key that would start the machine with one simple action.
class SoundBooth {
  constructor() {
    console.log("sound booth here");
  setUpSound = (): void => console.log("sound set up");
  tearDownSound = (): void => console.log("sound system put away");
  setUpOnStageMicrophones = (): void => console.log("stage microphones set up");
  tearDownOnStageMicrophones = (): void =>
    console.log("stage microphones tore down");

class Auditorium {
  closeDoors = (): void => console.log("doors are closed");
  openDoors = (): void => console.log("doors are open");
  lightingProvider: LightingProvider;
  constructor(lightingProvider: LightingProvider) {
    this.lightingProvider = lightingProvider;
    console.log("auditorium here");

  dimLights = (): void => this.lightingProvider.dimLights();
  brightLights = (): void => this.lightingProvider.brightLights();

class LightingProvider {
  constructor() {
    console.log("Lighting Provider initialized");
  dimLights = (): void => console.log("lights dimmed");
  brightLights = (): void => console.log("lights are on 100%");
  setStageLights = (): void => console.log("stage lights are set properly");

class StageManager {
  lightingProvider: LightingProvider;
  talentManager: TalentManager;
  ensureActorsReady = (): void => console.log("actors are ready");
  ensureLightIsSet = (): void => this.lightingProvider.setStageLights();

    lightingProvider: LightingProvider,
    talentManager: TalentManager
  ) {
    this.lightingProvider = lightingProvider;
    this.talentManager = talentManager;
    console.log("stage manager is ready");

class TalentManager {
  castActors = (): void => console.log("actors cast to roles");
  ensureCastIsReadyForPerformance = (): void =>
    console.log("cast is ready to perform");
  constructor() {
    console.log("talent manager is ready to deal with cast");

class Choir {
  constructor() {
    console.log("choir is here");
  prepare = (): void => console.log("choir is ready");

class Orchestra {
  constructor() {
    console.log("orchestra is here");
  prepare = (): void => console.log("orchestra is ready");
In order to start the performance, the following code would need to be typed each time:

let soundBooth = new SoundBooth();
let lightingProvider = new LightingProvider();
let auditorium = new Auditorium(lightingProvider);
let talentManager = new TalentManager();
let stageManager = new StageManager(lightingProvider, talentManager);
let choir = new Choir();
let orchestra = new Orchestra();
This is very error-prone and repetitive. So instead, another class is created, which has a sole responsibility of running this code.
class PerformanceStarter {
  startPerformance(): void {
    let soundBooth = new SoundBooth();
    let lightingProvider = new LightingProvider();
    let auditorium = new Auditorium(lightingProvider);
    let talentManager = new TalentManager();
    let stageManager = new StageManager(lightingProvider, talentManager);
    let choir = new Choir();
    let orchestra = new Orchestra();
And then running the code looks almost trivial:
let performanceStarter = new PerformanceStarter();
And the results are the same:
sound booth here
sound set up
stage microphones set up
Lighting Provider initialized
auditorium here
doors are open
talent manager is ready to deal with cast
stage manager is ready
actors are ready
stage lights are set properly
choir is here
choir is ready
orchestra is here
orchestra is ready
lights dimmed