
Providing a choice for entities to subscribe/unsubscribe from notification

Mediator pattern provides a centralized system of notifications to entities. All communications go through that one single point. That pattern automatically assumes conversation participants, a choice of who gets what messages is not the focus of Mediator. It is the focus of observer though. Observer provides an opportunity for subscribers to select the messages that they are listening to.
In the following example discusses response to three types of emergency events: Fire, Party, and Parade. Police does not care about fires, firemen don't bother with parties, and ambulances are too busy to participate in parades. The code below sets up a notification system that allows each of the services to unsubscribe from notifications they don't need to respond to and then resubscribe again after.
The following code sets up general infrastructure, an enum to specify disaster types, a class to hold information about a Disaster and then a Factory that lets us create disasters arbitrarily.
  enum DisasterType {
    Fire = 1, //fire trucks and ambulance
    Party, //police and ambulance
    Parade, //fire and police

  class Disaster {
    disasterType: DisasterType;
    destroyedArea: number;
    constructor(disasterType: DisasterType, destroyedArea: number) {
      this.disasterType = disasterType;
      this.destroyedArea = destroyedArea;

  class DisasterFactory {
    area: number;
    constructor(area: number) {
      this.area = area;
    createDisasterByType(type: string): Disaster {
      switch (type.toUpperCase()) {
        case "FIRE":
          return new Disaster(DisasterType.Fire, this.area);
        case "PARTY":
          return new Disaster(DisasterType.Party, this.area);
          return new Disaster(DisasterType.Parade, this.area);
The following class is a container for the array of emergency services. It also abstracts add/remove listener methods and notification mechanism.
  abstract class GeneralDisasterNotifier {
    private emergencyServices: Array;
    constructor() {
      this.emergencyServices = [];

    addListener(listener: IDisasterNotificationListener) {

    removeListener(listener: IDisasterNotificationListener) {
      this.emergencyServices = this.emergencyServices.filter(
        (x) => !==

    notify(disaster: Disaster): void {
      this.emergencyServices.forEach((es) =>
The following class extends the class above adding a concrete method to create a disaster and notify all known responders:
  class ConcreteDisasterNotifier extends GeneralDisasterNotifier {
      disasterType: "fire" | "party" | "parade",
      destroyedArea: number
    ) {
        `Attention! There is a ${disasterType} in the area, affecting ${destroyedArea} sq. miles. Dispatching appropriate services...`
      let df = new DisasterFactory(destroyedArea);

Next, the code that declare interface for emergency services to be able to receive notifications and boilerplate implementations of the three types of emergency services with methods that output that they are notified about a disaster.
  interface IDisasterNotificationListener {
    id: number;
    receiveDisasterNotification(disaster: Disaster): void;

  class FireBrigade implements IDisasterNotificationListener {
    id: number;
    receiveDisasterNotification(disaster: Disaster): void {
        `Fire Brigade ${} has been notified about ${
    constructor() { = 1;
  class PoliceSquad implements IDisasterNotificationListener {
    id: number;
    receiveDisasterNotification(disaster: Disaster): void {
        `Police Squad ${} has been notified about ${
    constructor() { = 2;
  class AmbulanceCrew implements IDisasterNotificationListener {
    id: number;
    receiveDisasterNotification(disaster: Disaster): void {
        `Ambulance Crew ${} has been notified about ${
    constructor() { = 3;
Finally, code that brings it all together. First, we instantiate emergency services, then we create the service notify them all, record all emergency services as listeners, and then customize addressees by adding and removing notification subscribers as needed:

  let f = new FireBrigade();
  let p = new PoliceSquad();
  let a = new AmbulanceCrew();

  let n = new ConcreteDisasterNotifier();

  n.callEmergencyServices("party", 1);
  n.callEmergencyServices("fire", 1);
  n.callEmergencyServices("parade", 2);
Attention! There is a party in the area, affecting 1 sq. miles. Dispatching appropriate services...
Police Squad 2 has been notified about Party
Ambulance Crew 3 has been notified about Party
Attention! There is a fire in the area, affecting 1 sq. miles. Dispatching appropriate services...  
Ambulance Crew 3 has been notified about Fire
Fire Brigade 1 has been notified about Fire
Attention! There is a parade in the area, affecting 2 sq. miles. Dispatching appropriate services...
Fire Brigade 1 has been notified about Parade
Police Squad 2 has been notified about Parade
This pattern is about the choice of subscribers to be included or excluded in notifications. Hopefully the code above shows how it is possible to do from the level of notification service.